Monday, 1 October 2012

Certified Coaches Federation

The faculty at the Certified Coaches Federation believe that the primary criteria for anyone to be qualified to be considered a life coach isn't a course so much as the lessons they've learned from living life; including lessons from both victories, losses, frustrations, and all the events that have given them the ability to give perspective. So our students tend to be more mature, have more experience, and know that a good Life Coach Training Program should not be time consuming or complicated. Our two day course is just what they need. They may already have a Masters or Ph.D., or years of experience in a specific field. What they don't want to do is waste time! Our Certified Life Coaching Training Programs and our in-house Executive Coaching Training Programs have been endorsed by thousands of companies, associations, authors, and self-improvement experts from around the world! Since 2006 our Life Coach Certification Program has had more than 5,000 people worldwide complete our course! No Life Coach Certification School has received higher praise than the Certified Coaches Federation. It's an honour to receive such wonderful feedback! But don't take our word for it, find out for yourself why the Certified Coaches Federation is known around the world as one of the best Life Coaching Schools in the world! The HWW Corporation now owns the Certified Coaches Federation.

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